People who need to wear spectacles are often not able to wear sunglasses. But Maui Jim’s prescription sunglasses are making it easier everyday for a wearer
Whether it is raining, cloudy or sunny; it is very essential to wear sunglasses while traveling outdoors in order to prevent your delicate eyes from the harmful UV rays of sun. However, if you have a weak eyesight and prescription eye glasses is your constant companion than you might face the trouble of letting go sunglasses.

A lot of people who need to wear eye glasses for vision correction stay deprived of the benefit and comfort of sunglasses as they cannot replace their vision eye gear with a protection eye wear. For people who have vision issues, driving without their eye wear can be dangerous, even walking on the road can be dangerous without a vision correcting eye wear. But, does this mean, that you who have to wear a prescription glass cannot take recourse to sunglasses to beat that summer glare and make a fashion statement? Absolutely not! Today, people with vision correction needs can easily get prescription sunglasses to meet the dual requirements of their eyes.
Many people who wear glasses often use transitional lenses to serve the dual purpose and save them the discomfort of changing glasses for different environments. But, transitional lenses do not often adjust or ‘transition’ quickly enough to meet their needs. Some do not find transitional lenses suitable to match their styles. In both cases transitional lenses are a sort of an uneasy compromise for a person who needs to reap the benefit of sunglasses while traveling outdoors.
Prescription sunglasses are special technology backed sunglasses that come with powered lenses to meet the needs of a person’s vision correction. Prescription sunglasses are available for all kinds of prescription even bifocal and progressive prescriptions.
In India, a large number of people today have realized the value of sunglasses and have adopted the product into their lifestyles. While sunglasses were considered by most people as a fashion accessory earlier, the idea of sunglasses as a health wear that protects eyes against the glare of the sun and its ultraviolet radiation is also fast catching up.

Maui Jim specialises in manufacturing sunglasses that offers one of the best protections for the eye against glare and harmful ultraviolet radiation. Their patented PolarizedPlus colour-infused lens technology, wipes out 99.9 percent of glare, 100 percent of harmful Ultraviolet radiation and boosts colour via specially designed lens treatments to make view clearer, with crisper contrast and amazing brilliance. Maui Jim is also the only company to embed three rare earth elements in its lenses to improve definition and depth perception while allowing you to see true, vivid colors.
Prescription sunglasses are certainly a way to the future. They enable people to achieve the benefits of sunglasses while not worrying about vision correction lenses.
Even people who wear contact lenses will find prescription sunglasses a better option for their eyes.