Duality is a constant theme in all walks of life: man and woman, black and white, Yin and Yang, right and wrong… Expressed in digital terms, it all translates into 0s and 1s. What makes duality special is the fact that one extreme cannot exist without the other. These seemingly contradictory elements are in a reciprocal relationship with each other, and together, they constitute the whole of existence in a never-ending cycle. So duality does not equal separation. Much rather, it holds our world together. Because on the level of individual atoms, the positive and negative charges create coherence and stability.

The theme of duality is rendered artistically in the new gorgeous cover shoot for our brand new magazine issue SPECTR #33 featuring Danish designer label LINDBERG. The graphic design explores a black-and-white duality that enhances the stylish form language of the frames. With that said, the absence of colors in no way dampens the impact of the superior designs and materials of LINDBERG frames. It much rather enhances them, because duality makes the world go round.

LINDBERG Launches the Thintanium Collection
In the eyewear universe, the future does not arrive overnight. It’s invented gradually, one collection at a time. For the next evolution, Scandinavian designer label LINDBERG is counting on its constant commitment to technical innovation to take titanium eyewear to the next level. Introducing: thintanium, a brand-new and patent-pending eyewear collection by LINDBERG. Manufactured 100% in Denmark by the brand’s in-house experts, this new line is possibly the thinnest full-plate titanium eyewear collection in the world.
As Henrik Lindberg, Founder, CEO, and Creative Director explained thintanium:
“The name says a lot already – something very thin and made of the unique element of titanium. LINDBERG’s DNA concentrates on unique designs, unique technical solutions, and of course, working with unique materials. The search to always be optimized by creating, designing, constructing, and producing the impossible drives the company from the beginning to where we are today.”
Also keep in mind that LINDBERG not only commands the technical know-how to push the possibilities of titanium to new levels. The Scandinavian designer label also cultivates the cutting-edge and minimalistic aesthetics to set the tone for the future of eyewear fashion. As a result, the frames may look essentially rimless but still accentuate their outlines in fascinating color schemes. And thanks to high-tech engineering, the hypoallergenic titanium glasses may weigh as little as 3.0 grams, but still maintain their robust integrity for everyday wear. The ultra-thin models feature a brand new, fully integrated screwless hinge, which is a prominent visual element in the design.
For extra fashion appeal, thintanium models can also be fitted with tinted lenses to turn them into statement pieces. In this Collection Shoot for SPECTR, photographer Ulrich Hartmann and team imagine the new LINDBERG thintanium collection in a ‘Duality’ theme. It came out so great, we also gave it the cover of our latest SPECTR Magazine issue #33. The future of eyewear has landed (once again)!

assistant JULIUS WOREL
Find more information about LINDBERG here!